Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite 1725

The message Do you want to keep blocking this program? appears when I try to connect using the EasyMP Network Projection software in Windows XP Service Pack 2. What should I do?

  • Click Unblock. This step registers the network communication utility to the Windows Firewall as an exception.

    Note: If you register a program as an exception, ports used by the programs are open to incoming communications from an external network if your company does not have an external firewall or the wireless network is not secured. If you operate outside a company firewall on an externally accessible network connection, Epson will not be responsible for damages caused by allowing an exception in the Windows Firewall. In Ad Hoc mode the risk is limited due to the nature of peer-to-peer connections which employ direct access to the projector only.
Published:  20-Dec-2017 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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