Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite 84

I am unable to rename my product in EasyMP Monitor because the field to rename it is grayed out. How do I rename my product?

  • The projector's name can be changed in the projector's Web Control page under the Network\Basic settings. Follow these steps to change the projector's name:
    1. Launch EasyMP Monitor and highlight your projector.
    2. Open the View menu, and select Web Control.
    3. Navigate to the Network category, and select Basic.
    4. Edit or change the Projector Name and click Set.
    5. Click Apply at the bottom of the page.
    6. Turn the projector off, wait a few moments, then turn it back on.
    7. Delete the projector from EasyMP Monitor.
    8. Reregister the projector. Your projector should appear with its new name.
Published:  Oct. 14, 2010 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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