Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite 4200W

I forgot my product's password. What should I do?

  • Check the following:
    • If you don't know the password, do not continue to enter an incorrect password. If you enter the password incorrectly three times in succession, the projector's operation is locked and you'll need to turn off the projector, disconnect and reinsert the power cord, then turn on the projector to redisplay the password screen. If an incorrect password is entered 30 times in a row, the projector will be locked and you'll need to contact Epson. (See Where To Get Help.)
    • If you enabled the password before you set one and you see the prompt to enter the password, enter the default password 0000 to proceed.
    • If you set a password and then enabled it, but have now forgotten it, you'll need to contact Epson. (See Where To Get Help.)
Published:  20-Jan-2011 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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