When I try to take a close-up shot, what I see through the viewfinder is not what I get when I download the picture.

  • If the object you are attempting to capture is less than 2-feet away, you may encounter a "parallax" error. A parallax error is when the camera lens is not focusing on the same object as the viewfinder. When taking a close-up shot, the camera is normally tilted forward so that the object is centered within the viewfinder. Tilting the camera forward off-centers the lens, causing the camera to capture the lower part of the desired object. When taking close-up shots, ensure that the camera is not tilted, the lens is pointing directly at the desired object, and that the object is centered vertically within the viewfinder. Although the object is not centered horizontally in the viewfinder, the lens is pointing directly at the object and will capture and center the object correctly. To ensure that you are capturing the correct image, you may want to consider connecting the camera to your Macintosh to view your close-up images on the screen before you capture them. Please refer to Chapter 5 page 5 for more information on viewing and taking pictures from your Macintosh.
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