Support Scanners Perfection Series Epson Perfection 1260

I'm using Scan to PIM in Smart Panel and every time I scan a new document, the image appears in the Verify Assistant window with the same file name (Pim0001). Does my previous image file get overwritten?

  • No. This is the default filename. If you don't rename the file, Smart Panel will search your hard drive for the default filename and if it finds it, the program will automatically rename the new image file as Pim0002. If Smart Panel already finds a file with the name Pim0002, then it will automatically increment the filename as Pim0003 and so on. This file name convention applies equally to any of the other applets in Smart Panel where you can save the file, with one exception. In the other applets you can choose different file formats (jpeg, tif, bmp, etc). For example, in Scan to File, the default filename is File0001 with a BMP extension. When you scan the next document, if you select a different file format such as jpeg, Smart Panel will keep the previous filename; only the extension will differ. So, you will see File0001 but with a jpeg extension.
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