The product is not converting characters to editable text. What should I do?
If characters in your scanned images are not recognized during OCR conversion, try these solutions:
- Make sure your original is loaded straight on your product.
- Use an original with clear text.
- Adjust these Epson Scan 2 settings (if available) and try scanning again:
- Select the correct Image Type setting.
- Select or adjust the Text Enhancement setting.
- If the Image Type is set to Black & White, adjust the Threshold setting.
- Set the Image Type to Grayscale.
- Set the scanning resolution between 200 and 600 dpi.
- If the original document is in landscape mode, set the Rotate setting to Auto in Epson Scan 2.
- If you are using OCR software, check the manual for any additional adjustments.
Scanning in Epson Scan 2
Related references
Image Format Options
Published: Jan. 9, 2017
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