How should I transport my product?

  • If you move your EPSON 1000 ICS some distance, you need to prepare it for transportation in its original box or one of a similar size. To avoid damage, always leave the ink cartridges installed when transporting the EPSON 1000 ICS.

    1. Press the Operate button to turn on the EPSON 1000 ICS and wait until the scanner carriage moves to the home position (toward the left side) and the print head locks in the far right position, then turn it back off.
    2. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. Then disconnect the USB cable.
    3. Remove any paper from the EPSON 1000 ICS and remove the paper support.
    4. Press the release button and lift up the scanner.
    5. If you still have the packing insert, slide it down into the area beside the ink cartridge holder and tape it to the EPSON 1000 ICS case. If you don't have the insert, just tape the cartridge holder to the EPSON 1000 ICS case. Move the scanner transportation lock to the locked position (right).
    6. Slide the scanner transportation lock right to the locked position.
    7. Push the scanner down carefully until it clicks back into place, then close the output tray.
    8. Repack the EPSON 1000 ICS and its attachments in the original box using the protective materials that came with them.
    9. Keep the EPSON 1000 ICS level as you transport it.
    10. After transporting the EPSON 1000 ICS, remove the tape securing the print head, unlock the scanner transportation lock, and make a test copy. If you notice a decline in quality, clean the print head. If output is misaligned, align the print head.
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