I am unable to scan from my computer. What should I do?

  • Try the following:
    • Make sure the printer is turned on and securely connected to your computer or USB hub.
    • If the printer is connected to a USB hub, try to connect directly to your computer first. Then make sure it's connected to a first tier hub (the hub closest to the host computer) when more than one hub is connected to the computer.
    • Try restarting your computer.
    • Make sure you're selecting Epson Stylus NX210 in the Epson Scan settings.
    • Uninstall the printer software (Windows or Macintosh), then reinstall the software (Windows or Macintosh).

      Note: You must connect the printer to your computer when prompted to by the installation program to make sure the driver is installed correctly on your computer. Carefully follow the software installation instructions on the Start Here sheet.
Published:  May 19, 2009 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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