How do I print double-sided?

  • The product supports manual double-sided printing from a computer (Windows only). When printing double-sided manually, you will be prompted by the printer driver to reload your pages once one side has finished printing.

    • Automatic double-sided printing is not supported.
    • Images may not line up properly when printing double-sided.
    Follow these steps to turn on double-sided printing in the Windows printer driver:
    1. Open the File menu or click and select Print.
    2. Make sure the product is selected as the printer.
    3. Click Properties or Preferences.

      If you don't see these buttons, click Setup, Printer, or Options, then click Properties or Preferences on the next screen.
    4. Click the Page Layout tab, and select Double-Sided Printing(2).
    5. If necessary, adjust or select the Margins and Folded Booklet settings.
    6. Click OK.
Published:  Feb. 24, 2011 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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