How do I decide which resolution to select when scanning from Epson Scan?

  • If you plan to enlarge the image so you can print it at a larger size, you may need to increase the resolution. If you are using Epson Scan, follow these guidelines:
    • You will enlarge the image as you scan it.

    • If you will enlarge the image using Epson Scan's Target Size setting (Home and Professional modes only), you do not need to increase the Resolution setting.

    • You will scan the image at its original size, but enlarge it later in an image-editing program.

    • Increase Epson Scan's Resolution setting in your scan. Increase the resolution by the same amount you will increase the image size to retain a high image quality. For example, if the resolution is 300 dpi (dots per inch) and you will double the image size later, change the Resolution setting to 600 dpi.

    • You will scan the image at 100% or smaller size.
      • E-mail/view on a computer screen/post on the web: 96 to 150 dpi
      • Print/convert to editable text (OCR): 300 dpi
      • Fax: 200 dpi
Published:  Aug. 19, 2011 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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