How do I confirm my fax was sent?

  • You can print a fax report to confirm the fax was sent. Do the following:

    Printing Fax Reports

    You can run a variety of reports on your fax transmissions and print your speed and group dial lists.

    Note: You can also select to print a report automatically after a fax is sent by going to Setup > Fax Settings > Send Settings > Last Transmission Report.

    1. Make sure you loaded letter-size or larger paper in your product.
    2. Press the home button, if necessary.
    3. Select Fax.
    4. Select Advanced Options.
    5. Scroll down and then select Fax Report.
    6. Select one of the available reports.
    7. Press the  start button to print the report.
Published:  Jan. 23, 2013 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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