How do I manually assign a static IP address to my product?

  • Do the following:


    1. Download and install the EpsonNet Config Utility from the Downloads tab for your product.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • Windows 8: Navigate to the Apps screen and select EpsonNet Config.
      • Windows (other versions): Select or Start > Programs > EpsonNet > EpsonNet Config.
    3. Highlight your printer's name, then click Configuration.
    4. Select Basic (under TCP/IP) and make sure Manual is selected. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway in the IP Address Setting section.

    5. Click Send.
    6. Close EpsonNet Config.

    OS X

    1. Download and install the EpsonNet Config Utility from the Downloads tab for your product.
    2. tab for your product.
    3. Open the Hard Drive and select Applications > EpsonNet > EpsonNet Config v3 > EpsonNet.
    4. Highlight your printer, then click Configuration.
    5. Select Basic (under TCP/IP) in the Device Properties window.
    6. Select Manual. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway in the IP Address Setting section.

    7. Click Transmit.
    8. Close EpsonNet Config.
Published:  Jan. 29, 2015 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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