How can I create a user-defined paper size for my product in Windows?

  • The user-defined paper size option is available only when printing on paper from the lower cassette.

    Do the following:

    1. Right-click your printer icon and select Printing Preferences.
    2. Click the Main tab.
    3. Select Paper Cassette 2 for the paper Source.
    4. Select User-Defined for document Size.

    5. The User-Defined Paper Size window opens.
    6. Enter Paper Size Name, then select the Paper Width and Paper Height.
    7. Click Save, then OK. You see this screen:

    8. Load your paper in the lower cassette and slide the edge guides towards the edges of the paper.
    9. Click OK. The new size is automatically selected. You can also select the newly defined size from the document Size list.
Published:  Jan. 3, 2014 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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