My product will not print. What should I do?

  • Do the following:

    If labels do not print or a print job stops, try these solutions:

    • Check for messages on the computer or mobile device's display.
    • Check that the cables are connected properly or the Bluetooth connection is active.
    • Make sure the printer is selected in the software.
    • Make sure you have entered text for your label.
    • Replace the tape cartridge if necessary. Make sure the cartridge is correctly inserted.
    • Replace the batteries or connect the AC adapter.
    Related tasks
    Installing Batteries
    Inserting and Removing Tape Cartridges
    Connecting the AC Adapter
    Turning the Printer On and Off

    If you are having trouble printing from your computer, try these solutions:

    • Check for messages on the computer screen.
    • Make sure the printer is connected to your computer.
    • Make sure the printer driver is installed and the computer has been restarted after installation.
    • Make sure the correct printer is selected in your software, and the printer is not set as offline.
    • Make sure graphics are within the margins of the label.
    Related tasks
    Connecting the Printer to Your Computer
    Installing Label Editor
    Installing Label Editor Lite
Published:  20-Feb-2014 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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