I can't select my product in the LFP Remote Panel software on my Mac. The message Application is not installed appears. What should I do?

  • You may need to reinstall the Epson printer software. If the EPIJPrDrvLib2 folder on your Mac (which is part of the Epson printer software) is version 2.30 or earlier, you need to reinstall the printer software. (If the EPIJPrDrvLib2 folder version is later than 2.30, contact Epson support). To determine the EPIJPrDrvLib2 folder version, Do the following:
    1. Open the Hard Drive.
    2. Select > Library > Printers > Epson > Libraries > EPIJPrDrvLib2 > Resources.
    3. Double-click the file Info.plist. If you see the message There is no default application specified to open the document Info.plist, click Choose Application, select TextEdit, and then click Open. The EPIJPrDrvLib2 folder version will appear in the Info.plist file, as in the following example:
    4. Close the Info.plist file.
    Follow these steps to reinstall the Epson printer software:
    1. Open the Hard Drive.
    2. Select > Library > Printers > Epson > Libraries.
    3. Drag the EPIJPrDrvLib2 folder to the trash.
    4. Install the Software again.

    Note: If the problem continues, you'll need to uninstall and reinstall all Epson printer drivers on your Mac. If you need to reinstall printer drivers for a Stylus Pro 4800/4800 Professional, Stylus Pro 7800/7800 Professional, and/or Stylus Pro 9800/9800 Professional, install these printer drivers last.

    To uninstall and reinstall all Epson printer drivers, Do the following:
    1. Open the Hard Drive.
    2. Select > Library > Printers, and then drag the Epson folder to the trash.
    3. Empty the trash.
    4. Reinstall each Epson driver you uninstalled.
Published:  Apr. 30, 2007 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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