My product starts printing too far down the page. Is there any way I can adjust the starting point of the print job?

  • There is a feature called MICRO FEED that allows you to adjust the top-of-form (TOF) position in increments of 1/180th of an inch. To use this feature, load the paper into the printer. Press the MICRO FEED button and the light above the button will come on. The display reads "TOF ADJUST." Press FORM FEED to move the paper forward or press LINE FEED to move the paper backward. Once you have the TOF position set where you want it, press the MICRO FEED button again to exit out of this feature. The printer will remember the TOF setting and will position the print head accordingly for the next page. For more information on adjusting the page setting, please see Chapter 3 page 30 of your User's Manual.
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