How can I change my product's default settings?

  • The defaults can be changed by entering into the SelecType menu. Press the SelecType button and the light above it will come on. The display flashes "SelecType MODE" for a brief moment, then displays "LOAD MACRO." Use your up (FORM FEED) or down (LINE FEED) arrow to browse through the SelecType menu. When "CHANGE MACRO" is displayed, press the right arrow (LOAD/EJECT) button to select that option. Once you are in the CHANGE MACRO option menu, you can the settings of the macro that is currently loaded. Once you have finished changing the settings, press the left (ON LINE) arrow button and the display alternately reads "SAVE MACRO" and "ABORT SAVE." Press the up or down arrows to select a number for the macro to be saved as (1 to 4), then press the right arrow button to save your changes. After changes have been saved to a macro, the display will again read "CHANGE MACRO." To exit the SelecType feature, press the SelecType button. For more information on the SelecType feature, please see Chapter 3 page 8 of your User's Manual.
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