The pictures transfer to your computer too slowly.

  • The fastest way to transfer your pictures is via the JumpShot USB cable. If you must use the serial cable, use the Save to Folder method instead of transferring the pictures into your applications. See Chapter 4 for instructions. If you're transferring via the serial cable, make sure you selected a fast transfer rate in the EPSON PhotoPC 650 TWAIN or Plug-In software. Click the Setup tab and change the speed setting to 115230 (for Windows) or 230400 (for Macintosh). If your system won't support these faster speeds, select the next lower speed. If your system has less than 16MB RAM, the transfer speed may be slow. Try using virtual memory. See your computer documentation or system help for more information. Check the port setting in your Windows Control panel. You may need to set your port to a faster speed. See your Windows documentation or help system for more information In Windows based systems, check the port speed setting in your Windows Control panel. See your Windows documentation or help system for more information.
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