How can I increase my camera's picture storage capacity?

  • You can install these types of CompactFlash cards in your PhotoPC 650 camera: New USB Enabled CompactFlash cards, or Traditional ATA-compatible CompactFlash cards. If you transfer pictures via the Lexar Media JumpShot USB cable, you can purchase additional USB Enabled CompactFlash cards from Lexar Media. Your camera comes with an 8MB USB CompactFlash card, but you can obtain a higher capacity card, such as a 16MB, 32MB, 48MB, 64MB or 80MB card. If you transfer pictures via the serial cable, you can purchase either USB-enabled or ATA-compatible cards for your camera. If your computer has a Type II PCMCIA card slot, you can also transfer your pictures using an optional PCMCIA CompactFlash card adapter. CompactFlash cards and PCMCIA adapters should be available where you bought your PhotoPC 650 camera. For ATA-compatible CompactFlash cards, EPSON recommends cards and PCMCIA adapters from the following manufacturers: Lexar Media, (800) 789-9418 SanDisk, (408) 542-0595.
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