Support Printers Professional Imaging Printers Epson Stylus Pro Series Epson Stylus Pro 7880 ColorBurst Edition

How do I manually remove all Epson printer driver files from my Mac computer?

  • Follow the steps below to remove all Epson printer driver files from your Macintosh. You'll need to reinstall any Epson printers that you want to continue using with your Mac afterwards.
    1. Open the Hard Drive.
    2. Select Library > Printers, and then drag the Epson folder to the trash.
    3. Empty the trash.
    4. Open the Hard Drive again.
    5. Select Applications > Utilities, and open Disk Utility.
    6. Select your disk or volume from the list on the left.
    7. Click Repair Disk Permissions.
    8. Restart your Macintosh after the Repair Disk Permissions process has completed.
Published:  Mar. 10, 2010 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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