Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite S5

Can I use the remote control to click through slideshow-style presentations?

  • Yes. To change slides with the remote control, make sure you have connected your computer to the projector with a USB cable. See Connecting a USB Cable for Remote Presentation Control.

    To advance slides in a PowerPoint presentation in Slide Show mode, press the Page up button on the remote control. Press the Page down button to go back a slide.

    If you're using the EMP Link 21L software to control your projector, turn on the Link 21L setting in the Extended menu. (You must turn the projector off and then on again and connect a USB cable to use this setting.) This software can be downloaded from the Downloads tab for your product.
Published:  May 29, 2007 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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