Support Wearables Moverio Epson Moverio BT-100

How do I calibrate the trackpad?

  • Do the following:
    1. Hold down the 2D/3D and the Brightness key until step 4.
    2. Press the Power button and release it when the indicator light is green.
    3. Carefully watch for the indicator light briefly change to purple.
    4. Note: The indicator light changes to purple for only 0.5 seconds.
    5. Release the 2D/3D and the Brightness key.
    6. Put on the headset and confirm that the locked screen shown below is displayed.
    7. Confirm the following on the locked screen:
      • The pointer moves normally.
      • The "Full" or "Charging" indicator is displayed.

Published:  May 31, 2012 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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