Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite 1222

I am not receiving mail when a product problem occurs. What should I do?

  • If you do not receive an e-mail alerting you to problems with a projector over the network, try the following solutions:

    • Make sure the projector is turned on and connected to the network correctly. (If an error shut down the projector, it cannot send an e-mail.)
    • Make sure you set up the projector e-mail alert settings correctly on the projector's network Mail menu or in the network software.
    • Set the Standby Mode setting to Communication On so the network software can monitor the projector in standby mode.
    Related tasks
    Setting Up Projector Network E-Mail Alerts
    Related references
    Projector Setup Settings - ECO Menu
Published:  Sep. 6, 2013 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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