Support Projectors Projector Options Epson BrightLink Solo Interactive Module (ELPIU01)

My pen doesn't work. It lags, skips, or does not write on the projected image. What should I do?

  • Try the following:
    • Recalibrate your pen.
    • Make sure nothing is blocking the signal between the pen and the interactive pen receiver on the interactive module. See Parts Location.
    • Make sure the pen batteries have enough power. If the light on the pen doesn't turn green when you press the button, you need to replace the batteries.
    • Dim the room lights and turn off any fluorescent lights. Make sure the whiteboard or projection surface and the pen receiver are not in direct sunlight or other sources of bright lighting.
    • Connect the USB cable directly from the computer to the interactive module, not through a hub. Make sure the USB cable is securely connected to the interactive module and computer. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the cable to your computer.
    • From your operating system's Display utility, select Settings > Advanced > Troubleshoot, and set Hardware acceleration to None.
Published:  Oct. 19, 2010 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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